Ethiopia 1928 -1931: Empress Zauditu & Ras Tafari |
Zauditu & Tafari |
This eight frame exhibit presents the 1928 definitive issue used from 1928 to 1931. The 1928 definitive issue and its overprints, errors, varieties, officials, unissued but postally used proofs and postmarks are examined. The secondary but unstated objective of this exhibit is to demonstrate how uncommon and complicated is this seemingly common issue of Ethiopia. Ethiopian material dating from this time period presents a special challenge due to forgeries, fakes, reprints and often time poor quality but genuine over prints. Particular attention to cancels, registration labels, other etiquette labels and overprint measurements is required to correctly identify genuine materials from fakes and reprints. Throughout this exhibit, the following standards and classification systems have been used: (1) Cancels – Eric Payne; (2) Registration Labels – Roberto Sciaky; (3) Hailé Overprint Sizes – Daryl Reiber (original work); (4) Rarity Factors – Eric Payne; Air Mail Overprint Classification – Ken Doig. In general, all Ethiopian covers bearing the overprinted 1928 definitives are scarce as they had short usage periods ranging from 5 days to about 3 months.
My original Hailé overprint spacing research was conducted in 2003 when the first incarnation of this exhibit was created. Prior to my article on this, there was no mention or notice in the literature of the overprint spacing variety. There is a new first for this exhibit … the showing of the first batch of back dated Proclamation overprints. This is an important discovery as it adds to the growing body of knowledge of early fakes and frauds. Pre WWII Ethiopian material is severely plagued by this problem. Doig, Ken (probably the most accessible as it is an excellent Internet reference) Doig’s Ethiopia Stamp Catalog, by Ken Doig. Handelman, David AR: Avis de réception. Volume 1?, by David Handleman with selections by Peter A S Smith & Henrik Mouritsen. Postal History Society of Canada. 2002. Payne, Eric Ethiopia Booklet No. IV, The Issues of 1917 – 1936. by Eric Payne. Cockrill Series Booklet No. 16, Philip Cockrill, Berkshire, England. 1981. Ethiopia Booklet No. V, Postmarks & Cancellations to 1936, by Eric Payne. Cockrill Series Booklet No. 17, Philip Cockrill, Berkshire, England. 1981. Reiber, Daryl Spacing Variations in the 1930 Hailé Selassié Overprint, by Daryl Reiber. Menelik’s Journal, Volume 19, No.4, October – December 2003, pages 16-17. Sciaky, Roberto Ethiopia 1867 – 1936: History, Stamps and Postal History, by Roberto Sciaky. Vaccari srl, Vignola, Italy. 1999. Ethiopia 1867 – 1936: History, Stamps and Postal History - Addendum, by Roberto Sciaky. Vaccari srl, Vignola, Italy. 2001. The Postal Rates for Declared Value Covers, by Roberto Sciaky. Menelik’s Journal, Volume 19, No.4, October – December 2003, pages 21-23.
Award: Gold Show: Sacapex 2008 Show Type: Local Date: 1-2 November 2008 Place: Sacramento, CA Palmares: Sacapex 2008 (Adobe PDF File)
Award: Vermeil Show: Filatelic Fiesta Show Type: WSP Date: 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2009 Place: San Jose, CA Palmares: Filatelic Fiesta I 2009 (Adobe PDF File)